Thank you, Wicker Park, for providing the subject of my nightmares for the next two weeks. Though I am impressed that Shrek: The Musical is progressive enough to have an all-baby cast. Babies have faced discrimination in the theatre for decades. Most infant roles on Broadway are given to non-babies, and usually to Kevin Kline.

However, I was pleased to discover that our friends at Dreamworks are still working those ogre-related puns. Here were some other ones from the studio.
“Cooking with Shrek: How to Use Left-Ogres” [Shrek as guest with Rachel Ray on the Food Network]
“Operation Ogre-lord: Shrek the Nazi-killer” [Proposed sequel to both Shrek 4 and Inglorious Basterds]
“I wish I worked Ogre at Pixar” [Angry note by a fired Dreamworks writer]
“I Ogre-stepped my boundaries” [Dreamworks CEO on sexual harassment lawsuit]
ok, the baby heads was a poor choice, but Shrek the Musical? there is nothing respectable about that.