Insect horrors aside, the Lincoln Park Zoological Park was thoroughly enjoyable. For today's post, I will both entertain and inform you (I normally do neither) by providing MYTHS and FACTS for the top three zoo animals.
At the time of seeing this giraffe, I was curious as to what the so-called “experts” at the park thought of these creatures. Luckily for me, there was a placard.
But what of the flighted animals?
This animal's ancestors were the dinosaurs of old, who once ruled the planet with an indiscriminate violence from hooked claws, razor-sharp teeth, and tiny arms. Now the best a chicken can hope for is to give a human salmonella after not reaching the appropriate cooking temperature. Evolution is not fair.
Speaking of dinosaurs, I'm sure most of you know that the word “dinosaur” means “terrible lizard” in Latin. However, this is not because they were thought to invoke “terror,” but rather because the scientist who discovered them proclaimed them to be “stupid and terrible” reptiles. Evidence of this bitter attitude can be seen in some preliminary (but ultimately rejected) dinosaur names: Worstocerotops, Tyrannosaurus Sucks, and Diplodocus.
The park was also home to the world's greatest animal.
That's enough for now. I've got a screenplay to work on (Giraffe-mageddon III: Mud-bath Bloodbath).
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