Saturday, May 22, 2010

Prologue (Part III): The Tragedy of Topeka

Topeka is a magical place. As I was biking the Shunganunga Trail (its actual name) for the last time, I found evidence of its true nature.

Ah, Topeka. Hubris does not suit you. I can only imagine the person that walked up to this scoreboard in the middle of the field, thought "Topeka rules!", changed the score, and then walked away. A real American hero.

Poor milk crates. In Topeka, I guess they don't know they can be used to transport other materials.

The Topeka traffic control, eh? There's no way there could be a problem with THAT.

Shoot. Nazis just ruin everything. However, there is this saving grace of Topeka.

T-town is still b-boy friendly, promoting cardboard breakdown breakdancing.

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