Thursday, September 23, 2010

Possible Halloween Costumes Involving Bow Ties

1. Unfriendly Waiter

Pros: I would be able to carry around silver tray and wear white dinner gloves.
Cons: People would actually think I'm a waiter.

2. Bruce Wayne

Pros: I could make a lot of references to "The Bat Man," and how I think he's ruining Gotham.
Cons: I may be called upon to participate in fisticuffs with any number of Heath Ledger Jokers at the party.

3. Best Man at a Wedding

Pros: I could congratulate everyone I meet and talk about the "crazy" bachelor party I organized "last night."
Cons: I am not familiar with the details of Best Man debauchery, and my costume will fall flat upon any inquiries.

This bow tie will be worn some time in the near future.

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