What was it like speed-dating with medical school classmates? Well, my unrelenting optimism apparently comes thrashing out when confined in a small space with a girl, which does not always go down well with a stress-out medical student. So here are some phrases I learned I must avoid:
"Living in Chicago is easy!"*
"Medical school is easy!"*
"Second year is easy!"*
"Studying is easy!"*
"You look easy!"**
*actually said by me
**implied by me
Unfortunately, the ladies of medical school were all quite lovely (and all capable of finding this blog), so they shall not be the source of any jest. I am not aware of my results yet, but here's hoping that I tricked at least one of them into accidentally confusing my number with the one of the handsome man that went after me.
You know what? I deserve some kind of reward for going to so many speed-dating events. Something very manly, but also strangely depressing.